Second Tuesday night of each month open forum; see details on separate page
Contact information:
William B. Larson, CPA, LLC
10311 Country Club Dr
Dallas, Texas 75218
William B. Larson, CPA, LLC is a registered investment adviser in the State of Texas
William B. Larson, CPA, CFP®
Picture above - grandkids at the Star in Frisco.
Who I help.
Let me tell you a story.
As I networked with financial planners I asked them the profile of their typical client. The answer was $250,000 in income and $1 million in invested assets. I thought about my own children among whom I have a high school French teacher, an advertising professional, and a steel worker all of whom earn less than a quarter of that and have minimal invested assets. They are just getting started. So my question - who helps them to get on the right financial path? Answer - too small, they can't afford our fees.
What of the middle income worker who never aspires to such income, will never compile such an asset base and frankly is all the happier with his/her choices made in life to devote time to family or personal pursuits? Who helps them? Answer - too small, same affordability answer.
I found my client base.
Those with high income levels, large invested assets, complicated situations or simply no interest in finance can seek the services of large or niche financial house professionals who can bring needed expertise but at a price.
I am here for the rest of the population, those in the early stages of their careers, young marrieds, teachers, middle income earners nearing retirement - those who need an overall solid review of their financial condition, recommendations to get them on the right course, a sounding board to see if they are on a path to the retirement they deserve, all at an affordable cost.
I can teach you how to handle your own finances.
Pictures - Right above - roll over with cursor for slideshow